Last Friday, Alex, 15, was named Honorary Team Captain of St. Francis High School’s sophomore football team. Kicking off the team’s first game of the season, Alex’s teammates joined him in the center of the field for the coin toss. The Spartan’s coach then presented Alex with a signed football and certificate.
“Just to see his teammates push him out to the field in his wheelchair – it was kind of an adventure, fulfilling a dream of a lifetime,” says Larry, Alex’s dad.
Dressed in his own Spartan’s jersey, Alex cheered on his fellow teammates to victory alongside his family, friends, girlfriend, and fans from St. Francis High School.
During the game, Alex clutched a football with his left hand. “He has much more control over his hand now,” says Mirabeau Nangoh, LPN. Mirabeau is one of Alex’s nurses and has worked with him since returning home from the hospital.
This honor means a great deal to Alex and his family, particularly because Alex was severely injured the day before he was scheduled to play in his first high school football game last fall. Alex was hit by a vehicle while riding his bicycle. The tragic accident left Alex completely dependent on others for numerous life-saving interventions and all daily activities.
We are very proud of Alex – and wish him and the Spartans continued success.
Click here to view the NBC Chicago video clip of Alex’s special day.