Strike out ALS: The Ice Bucket Challenge



Learn more about Pete Frates and his “Strike out ALS” campaign at

Before joining Independence Plus, I didn’t know much about ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis). Like so many, my limited knowledge was associated with baseball legend, Lou Gehrig.

Today is a much different story. Through writing Independence Plus’s blog, I’ve been given the opportunity to meet many of our ventilator-dependent patients who live with the devastation of ALS.

I’ve shared laughs with them. I’ve shared cries with them. I’ve heard their courageous stories. And I’ve met their incredible families. During this time, I’ve also witnessed the aggressive progression of this neuromuscular disease, which ultimately leads to death.

Pete Frates “Strike out ALS”

I may know more about ALS than I did two years ago (and I hope some of our readers do, too!), but we still don’t know what causes this devastating disease. That’s a problem—and it’s people who are battling ALS, like Pete Frates (age 29), who are changing that one ice cube at a time. Check out Pete’s website to learn more about his story and campaign to “Strike out ALS.”

In July, Pete and his friend Pat Quinn, who also suffers from ALS, decided to start the Ice Bucket Challenge to raise awareness and funding for ALS. What happened next is astonishing—the challenge went viral!

Thanks to everyday people, professional athletes, celebrities, and politicians, images of people dousing ice water over their heads are everywhere. This increased exposure is helping educate the public, as well as raise funds for ALS research.

I was nominated earlier this week, and proudly accepted the challenge. Watch my video here:

(Stacey, Deb, and Vicki… we’re still waiting on you to complete the challenge!)

If you don’t know much about ALS, I hope the Ice Bucket Challenge encourages you to learn more or donate to the cause.

For those of you who are more daring, I also nominate you to participate in the Ice Bucket Challenge! Follow the simple steps below:

  1. Fill up a bucket with water, and make sure you have a bag of ice handy!
  2. Find someone to record you on a phone, and start filming.
  3. Mention the ice bucket challenge to raise awareness for ALS. (You can also mention “Strike out ALS” for Pete Frates!)
  4. Pour the bucket of ice water over your head. (Aren’t you glad it’s August?)
  5. Nominate at least three friends to participate in the next 24 hours!
  6. Post the video on social media.

Good luck! And don’t forget to share your videos with us!


This guest blog post was written by Whitney Grabowski, Director of Corporate Communications.

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