Alishia M., a Recruitment Specialist at Independence Plus, is always coming up with ideas about how we can give back to those in need. Whether its signing us up for a 5k run/walk benefiting a local children’s hospital, volunteering at the soup kitchen, or most recently, gathering a group of employees to purchase 30 gifts for children in need through The Salvation Army’s Angel Tree.
A single mom of two young girls, Alishia works hard to give her children the childhood she always wanted. Currently enrolled in college, Alishia proves that anything is possible with hard work and a big heart.
“I think people should take the time to be thankful for their blessings. People spend a lot of time thinking about what they don’t have or what they want, instead of appreciating the blessings they do have,” Alishia explains.
As we brace the lines at toy shops and children’s stores to purchase gifts for our Angel Tree, we’ll be counting our blessings and looking for more ways to pay it forward.
How are you paying it forward this season?