Education is at the forefront of everything we do at Independence Plus, Inc. (IPI). Upon hire, our nurses (even the experienced ones) are immersed in a hands-on training and education program designed to prepare them to provide the best possible care for patients with complex medical and respiratory needs living at home. Our education is ongoing, even after they are working in the field. Each fall, IPI nurses, clinical educators, and HR staff come together over the course of six long days to take part in Annual Competency for Excellence (ACE) Training.
Every one of our nurses is required to complete two hours of return demonstrations of essential nursing skills including everything from emergency trach changes to vent checks to calculating and drawing up medications. Besides keeping our skills fresh, this event allows us to reconnect and share new information.
This year we’re especially proud of releasing our new IPI app which allowed us to go paperless—which will save us hours of filing but more importantly, is giving our nurses access to policies, protocols, and teaching materials via their cell phones!
Each one of our nurses is the face of Independence Plus to our patients and their families. By receiving extensive education and training, our nurses will be more skillful when caring for our patients and give them the quality care and services they need and deserve. Nothing is more satisfying than doing what you love—and knowing that you’ve got what it takes to make a huge difference in someone’s life.
Click here to see an album of photos from ACE 2018 (and be sure to ‘like’ our Facebook page!).